Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Patriot Acts Coming Out In Print

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Steven Clark Bradley’s newest powerful novel, Patriot Acts has been in ebook form for several months. Now, Patriot Acts has gone to print and will be available in the next few weeks.

Today, America is at war with religious radicals who are hell-bent on destroying Western civilization. We have seen what radical religious fanatics can do to bring a peaceful nation to war. See what would happen if our own brand of fanatics, right here at home, teamed up with the Islamic radicals with whom we are at war abroad? The concept is both challenging and lethal!
Patriot Acts - Special Handling

No Unconditional Talks Just
Patriot Acts!
Get Your Copy Of
Patriot Acts

Patriot Acts At Mobipocket.com

All of Steven Clark Bradley's novels are widely available all over the net. Here are a few links to help you read these exciting stories now.

Here are a few other sites where you can read more of
Steven Clark Bradley's material:

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