Sunday, June 21, 2009

A People Demanding To Be Free!


is not free!

We Stand With YOU!

To the People Of Iran...

In light of what is taking place in the Islamic Republic of Iran, I think you would find my new novel, Patriot Acts very challenging and close to reality.

We now see the violence and hatred against a powerful people who have not lost their faith in God, but who seem to intend to take upon themselves the freedom that only God can take away, and man can never forever deny!

I applaud such demonstration, not of frustration but of unity of mind and spirit that every man and woman is free. This is a smart and unafraid people who will not be fooled again. I stand with you, and salute you!

The question that is actually self-evident is how anyone could make a rational argument that a nation that can kill its own best and brightest should be trusted with nuclear weapons that it could turn upon the rest of the world?

We Applaud you in your yearning to be free!

Steven Clark Bradley

Iran, Tehran, resistance against coup, day 8 (June, 20. 09)

Riot police caught by crowd - Protests in Tehran after election

President Obama:
Ask yourself if the same thing could happen in America if your government continues to disregard the the freedoms Americans are guaranteed,
which you are in the process of dismantling.

Whether Religious or Political
All Tyrants shall face the same fate!

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