The 'GIVE' Act (Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education) Calls for Your Kids to be 'Owned' by the State.
Here is what President Barack Obama said when he was Candidate Barack Obama: “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
Here is what he has planned and brought about since being elected: The House bill, H.R. 1388 is called the GIVE (Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education) Act. Patriotic Americans have been wondering how and when Obama would enforce a "National Civilian Security Force.” We are now seeing a framework emerge that paints a totalitarian portrait of this socialist president’s agenda to create his own defense force that will enslave our children and young adults into a civilian “forced-volunteer” armed defense group. The following information is before you in black and white.
The Give Act” Will Take Our Liberty!
The GIVE Act of '09 is available as a pdf file. The following text was found on pg. 76 of the 303 page .pdf: [Emphasis added.] SEC. 6103. ESTABLISHMENT.
There is already an established legislative branch a commission known as the ‘‘Congressional Commission on Civic Service’’ (in this title referred to as the ‘‘Commission’’). SEC. 6104. DUTIES. (b) SPECIFIC TOPICS.—In carrying out its general purpose under subsection (a), the Commission shall address and analyze the following specific topics:
(5) The effect on the Nation, on those who serve, and on the families of those who serve, if all individuals in the United States were expected to perform nationalservice or were required to perform a certain amount of national service. ... (6) Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds
There is nothing - NOTHING - in the Constitution of the United States that warrants, mandates or permits this, but that has never stopped this President or this congress from doing what is specifically prohibited in the constitution before, and the Republicans are right in the thick of it with the Democrats.
The media is giving Obama a free pass? The U.S. House of Representatives has approved a plan to set up a new “volunteer corps” (‘Forced Volunteerism – The world’s most obvious oxymoronic term) and they are consider whether “a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people” should be developed. What the White House and the Congress are actually doing is trying to find the right terminology to bring this charade about that can pass constitutional muster in the Supreme Court.
The legislation also refers to "uniforms” that would be worn by Obama’s conscripted “volunteers” and the “need” for a “Public Service Academy”, which will be a 4-year institution” to “focus on training” future “public sector leaders,” and the training will apparently occur on “campuses” Instead of camps.
The vote on H.R. 1388 reauthorized, through 2014, the National and Community Service Act of 1990 and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973. These were acts that originally funded the AmeriCorps and the National Senior Service Corps. It also reauthorizes the programs, but also includes “new programs and studies” and is expected to be funded with an allocation of $6 billion over the next five years, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Freedom-loving American, both Republican and Democrat, are concerned with this program. It is to include 250,000 “volunteers,” and is the beginning of what President Obama called for during his presidential bid which he named as his “National Civilian Security Force” In that speech, then candidate Obama urged the creation of an organization as big and as well-funded as the U.S. military. He has declined since then to elaborate.
Canada Free Press reports:
The Give Act puts makes Obama’s unconstitutional plan, what he says is New Leadership for New Times, and which is called Public Allies and is modeled after Saul Alinsky’s “Peoples Organizations” and is operating under Michelle Obama with an alleged operating budget of more than $75-million a year. According to a fact sheet about Public Allies, “President Obama was a member of the founding advisory board of the non-profit organization. Michelle Obama was the founding Executive Director of Public Allies Chicago from spring, 1993 until fall 1996. She served on Public Allies National Board of Directors from 1997 until 2002. Obama was no longer on the board when Michelle was hired.
Radical First Lady? Michelle Obama was also a pioneer in the social entrepreneur movement that stated that its mandate was for the creation of new approaches and to organize to provide new solutions to social problems. Like most things Saul Alinsky, H.R. 1388 sounds noble in stating why wide-sweeping change is necessary. “The Give Act” aims to “leverage investments to increase State, local, business and philanthropic resources to address national and local challenges.”
All encompassing in its power, H.R. 1388 takes control of all volunteerism in America, and impacts everything from the lemonade stands of children, to the residents of senior citizens retirement homes. So far, the only media to have taken an interest in these disturbing plans have been right wing blogs. First, our ears perked up when we heard Michelle Obama speak these weirdly authoritarian words:
“Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zone . . . Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual – uninvolved, uninformed.”
Then, last summer at a campaign rally in Colorado Springs, Obama took the occasion to introduce his plan to implement a “National Civilian Security Force”, in which he described an organization “as big and well-funded as the U.S. military.”
Media outlets were so perturbed by Obama’s bizarre words, they airbrushed them out of the published transcripts of the speech. And then, right after he was elected, he raised eyebrows again with this audacious “Office of the President Elect” website post:
Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school, and 100 hours of community service in collge every year. See? There’s that word, “require”, again, which was eventually scrubbed from the site when an internet uproar ensued. And, who can forget Rahm Emanuel’s words from his 2006 tome, The Plan: Big Ideas for America, which we didn’t hear about until after the election:
“It’s time for a real Patriot Act that brings out the patriot in all of us. We propose universal civilian service for every young American. Under this plan, All Americans between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five will be asked to serve their country by going through three months of basic training, civil defense preparation and community service.
Here's how it would work. Young people will know that between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five, the nation will enlist them for three months of civilian service. They'll be asked to report for three months of basic civil defense training in their state or community, where they will learn what to do in the event of biochemical, nuclear or conventional attack; how to assist others in an evacuation; how to respond when a levee breaks or we're hit by a natural disaster. These young people will be available to address their communities' most pressing needs.” How about not?
Now that a form of this plan has been passed by the House, could we possibly get someone in the media to please take an interest? I suspect most Americans would be creeped out by this. But they have to know about it, first.
Obama’s Civil Defense Program Resembles Domestic Draft Paul Joseph Watson Prison
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A newly rediscovered 2006 audio clip has shed more light on Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama’s plan for compulsory community service and a “national civilian security force”. In an interview with Ben Smith of the New York Daily News, Emanuel outlined the agenda for military-style training, essentially a domestic draft, aimed at preparing Americans for a chemical or biological terrorist attack.
Asked by Smith about the universal service plan and whether people would have to live in military barracks, Emanuel laughed before responding,“We’re going to have universal civil defense training, somewhere between the ages of 18 to 25 you will do three months of training….but there can be nothing wrong with all Americans having a joint similar experience of what we call civil defense training or civil service in service of the country, in preparation, which will give people a sense of what it means to be an American.”
In response to the point that the program was significantly expanded in comparison to what the U.S. government already has in place, Emanuel responded, “Guess what – we have a lot more challenges so we are going to need a lot to do it.”
What challenges is Emanuel referring to? The same crisis foretold by Joe Biden, Colin Powell and others that we are “guaranteed” will unfold shortly after Obama takes office?
“It will be a common experience and we will be prepared, God forbid, God forbid that there is a chemical hit, another terrorist act or natural disaster becoming more frequent – there’ll be a body of citizens who are ready and capable and trained – that’s all you have to think about,” said Emanuel before smugly declaring, “We’re all here for you OK? It’s a circle of love.”
Asked if the training would be military style, with people wearing uniforms, Emanuel stated, “If you’re worried about are you going to have to do 50 jumping jacks the answer is yes,” adding that the service could be done through state national guard.
A jumping jack is a military term for an exercise otherwise known as a star jump. What on earth does Emanuel mean when he says Americans are going to be forced to perform military-style physical exercises and what does this have to do with civil defense or preparing for a terrorist attack? It sounds more like the state-mandated physical workouts described in Orwell’s 1984.
The video then features a clip from C-Span from August 2006 in which Emanuel is asked whether the program will be compulsory, to which he responds, “In a sense it’s required of everybody, 18 to 25, three months, and at some point at that point you do it.”
The use of the word “required” is noteworthy, because this exact terminology was removed from Obama’s website when controversy over the program arose last week.
The militarized nature of the program and its supposed intention sounds more like a draft-lite than the “community service” angle now being pitched on Obama’s website. It also bears similarities to the nationwide FEMA-run program training pastors and preachers to act as “pacifiers” in the event of martial law being declared after a terror attack or a natural disaster.
Will the liberal left pay as much attention to Emanuel’s stated agenda to implement a proxy domestic draft as they did to rumors of Bush bringing back conscription, or will the true scope of Obama’s “national civilian security force” continue to fly under the radar?
Watch the clip below.
Patriot Acts by Steven Clark Bradley
Where is Patriot Acts available?
This new exciting novel is easy to find and available all over the net. Here are a few links to help you secure you own copy of Patriot Acts.
I hope everyone who reads this will not just think it is entertainment or the irrational rambling of a scared American. I am not afraid; I am convinced that no one will secure our future except us. That is why I declare the main theme of Patriot Acts in one key phrase:
Steven worked a number of years in various countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa. He has been to 34 countries and has worked extensively with Kurdish refugees from Turkey, Iraq, and Syria. Steven also established a school by correspondence for African students in the African countries of The Gambia and SenegalWest Africa. He is the founder of a Cultural Center for refugees in France, where he lived for six years. Speaking fluently in French and in Turkish, Steven has been in 34 countries. Before returning to the United States in 1995, Steven worked as an instructor of English and Business skills for four years at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey.
'Un-American' attacks can't derail health care debateNancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer
Nancy Pelosi declared that our protests were not grassroots Americans but instead Astroturf -
She has stated that,“America will be far safer if we reduce the chances of a terrorist attack in one of our cities than if we diminish the civil liberties of our own people.”Yet The Speaker of the House of Representatives turns right around and condemns the millions of Americans who personify the meaning of freedom by marching, blogging, writing letters and speaking over the airwaves in the legal and God-given right to exercise our civil liberties and duty to preserve the nation from tyrants and traitors like Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, Barack Obama, Cass Sunstein, Van Jones, Ezekiel Emanuel, Joe Biden and the list goes on. They were successful and managed to dupe millions of us (Present company excluded), into voting for an administration and congress that hate America in her present and original form.
Let me say it then. America, I am very proud of you! We have stood up, spoken up, risen up and said, we are not duped anymore! This has not become the Obama free-for-all that the left wing radical fringes thought the election of Barack Obama would produce. This is still our country, our freedom, our Constitution and our right to have a say in what happens to our families, our wealth, our military and our freedom. We will not stand still and watch the not so slow evaporation of freedom in America. We now see a united front made up of Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and and Americans from all walks of life hitting the streets to declare, not now, not tomorrow, not ever! For in a true and wonderful way, the American People are speaking out and it is just the beginning, and we shall not go away! God bless the American People!
Why Americans are Up in Arms By: Floyd and Mary Beth Brown | Monday, August 31, 2009
Leftist elites are up in arms about Americans up in arms. At two recent Obama town hall meetings, men exercising their Second Amendment rights were spotted carrying firearms. While we do not condone threatening the president or anyone else for that matter, these citizens are well within their rights. It is legal to carry a firearm while demonstrating to protect your liberties.
In New Hampshire, William Kostric showed up near a town hall meeting carrying a pistol, and a placard proclaiming, “It is time to water the tree of liberty!” in reference to the famous Thomas Jefferson quotation, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots.” Kostric had no intention of hurting the president; he was exercising his rights and making a political statement using the pistol as a visual reminder. When interviewed by Chris Matthews of MSNBC, Kostric said he went to the town hall because he “wanted people to remember the rights that we have, and how quickly we are losing them.” After making this statement, Chris Matthews verbally accosted him and compared him to John Wilkes Booth and other fanatics. Kostric clearly explained that he was not advocating violence, but was practicing his constitutional right to bear arms.
The second incident prompted the media to erroneously pronounce the opponents of Obamacare as racist rednecks. A young man named Chris wore an AR-15 slung over his shoulder with a 9 mm pistol strapped on his hip. Roughly a dozen others were also carrying firearms with Chris outside an Obama appearance in Arizona. Earlier, these individuals coordinated their right to openly carry firearms with the Phoenix Police Department. They deliberately did this to show the country that the Phoenix police are very supportive of their rights to keep and bear arms. The elitist media missed the whole point and went ballistic.
The liberal media conveniently ignore that in 2000 at one of George W. Bush’s events, Black Panthers demonstrated while carrying firearms. The Black Panthers actually have a history of murder and violence in contrast to the Phoenix demonstrators. The Panthers, just as newsworthy, generated no buzz at the time. They should have been referenced in light of recent events by these talking heads.
These liberal media elites outraged by gun-bearing citizens showing up at Obama events have probably never used a gun in real life. Chris Matthews, Rick Sanchez, Contessa Brewer and the rest who assume guns represent violence don't likely own a firearm. Most Americans don’t see firearms as a symbol of violence, like our founding fathers, they see them as a tool for personal protection.
The founders recognized the significance and importance of firearms. "Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself,” George Washington movingly said. “They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurrences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference -- they deserve a place of honor with all that's good."William Kostric and Chris have it right, if we don’t stand and demonstrate peacefully for all of our freedoms, they will quickly slip away and vanish. Remember, it’s much easier to hold onto something, than try and get it back after you’ve lost it. ________________________________________ Floyd and Mary Beth Brown are bestselling authors and speakers. Mary Beth's latest book is featured at Together they maintain a blog at ________________________________________
Paul A. Ibbetson column
The common thread: a bird's eye viewof the TEA Party movement
Paul A. IbbetsonSeptember 3, 2009
The TEA Part movement, which started for most as a small grassroots effort by disenchanted Americans to voice their disapproval with the government, is now growing to epic proportions. The movement has transcended the bounds of simply being events that people have heard about in faraway places, to events happening in almost every town on any given day. In fact, for TEA Party goers, it's no longer a case of trying to make a single event, but how many events can you actually make. With that said, even though the growth of the TEA Party movement has expanded to the size that even "Bagdad Bob" (Saddam Hussein's former information minister) would have to recognize, there is still much confusion as to who the people that comprise the TEA Party movement are, and what brings them together.
To properly answer this question, one must attain the high ground. That is, the best vantage point to observe the totality of the TEA Party environment. For me, this bird's eye view came from the speaker's platform at the 2009 Wichita, Kansas, 'American TEA Party.' Like a growing number of Americans today, the Wichita Kansas event was not my first "TEA Party." However, it was my first time to speak in front of hundreds of TEA Party goers, and my first time to announce each and every guest, and meet every vendor and organization.
Coming to terms with the bird's eye view, and the reality that it brings, is somewhat of a double edged sword. From the optimum vantage point, I can now see that there was much less uniformity among TEA Party goers than I might have initially thought. For example, there were citizens and groups who have economic concerns that are hardly considered by people who were attending to voice their concern over abortion issues. There is certainly no uniformity of overarching policy agreement among the TEA Party crowd members, which included Blue Dog Democrats (of the "Democratic Blue Dog Coalition," made up of "moderates" and "fiscally conservative" Democrats), conservatives, independents, and libertarians. There were the obvious cultural differences between the seniors (with their folding chairs) and the teens (that would just as soon stand). Other apparent differences within the crowd were the mothers jostling their newborns and the business men who just never seemed to remember to turn their cell phones off. The TEA Party goers were as different to one another as were their political views. I know; I walked the booths, I pressed the flesh (shook hands), and I gave and received an ear-full of agreements and disagreements on the world of politics until my throat was sore and my ears were ringing.
Yet, with all the differences that can separate the people boldly represented among the TEA Party attendees, this motley crew of contradictions stands side by side united, prepared to oppose the current government, under a common cause. What is the common factor that binds American's together who think so differently? It is the component of "American exceptionalism" that transcends all other descriptions of why Americans are who they are: freedom. It is freedom at its basic core. Americans of all walks of life demand the freedom to decide their own future. They demand the freedom to disagree with their government — even as they demand the freedom to disagree with each other. In reality, it is the most defining, as well as beautifully stubborn, characteristic of the founding fathers that remains within the bloodlines of the greatest majority of Americans today. When a clear and present danger threatens to cut the chords of freedom from the American people, we are galvanized by an intrinsic commonality to act. This valuable point may have been lost on the European journalists who were present at the event, but it is the obvious cohesive factor that gives the TEA Party movement it's large attendance numbers, and it's ultimate power, by unifying a common thread among the myriad of specialized concerns found at each TEA Party — from town to town, and state to state.
________________________________________ Paul A. Ibbetson is a published author and lecturer on the Patriot Act. He is a former Chief of Police of Cherryvale, Kansas, and member of the Montgomery County Drug Task Force. Paul received his Bachelor's and Master's degree in Criminal Justice at Wichita State University, and is currently completing his PhD. in sociology at Kansas State University. Paul is the author of the book "Living Under The Patriot Act: Educating A Society." Paul is also the radio host of the 2008 entertainment program of the year, "Conscience of Kansas," 91.9 f.m. ________________________________________
'Tea Party Express' trucks on with tour
aimed at health care -CNN
They're angry and not going to take it anymore. And now they are doing something about it -- again. A protester takes part in an anti-health care reform rally August 14 in San Francisco, California. On Friday, the Tea Party Express group sets off on a bus tour starting in Sacramento, California, and winding down in Washington on September 12. At that point, the group notes, a three-day march on the nation's Capitol will take place to protest health care reform and what they see as big government.
The tea party movement gained momentum this year; several parties were held across the country this summer to protest President Obama and the Democrats' economic stimulus plans, among other things.
On July 4, nearly 2,000 advocates, toting signs and chanting slogans, rallied outside Congress. Activists said the TEA Party Day -- an acronym for "Taxed Enough Already" -- was in response to runaway government spending.But now, the focus is on health care reform, an issue that has brought about demand for bigger, more encompassing debate throughout the country and in Congress."What brought everything together was the Obamacare idea, which contains every odiferous objection," Tea Party Express organizer Mark Williams said Friday. "Is it health care? [Sen. Ted] Kennedy care?"
Conservative groups such as Freedom Works, run by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, Campaign Liberty and the Institute for Liberty are just some of those who will attend the march.
The caravan of vehicles features two 45-foot buses along with several RVs and a contingent of SUVs and support vehicles. It will head east from California "to unify, educate, and most importantly encourage Americans to continue their opposition of deficit spending, government-run health care, and irresponsible bailouts," the group said in a statement.
The tour is being funded by Our Country Deserves Better, a conservative political action committee.
When asked why tea party groups are now angry over the rising deficit and an increase in government's size, which started during the Bush administration, Williams countered: "It hadn't reached critical mass."
But Williams, who said his organization is nonpartisan, was quick to point out that the rallies are not aimed at one politician over another, namely President Obama.
"This is not people upset over one particular politician or one particular party," Williams said. "In fact, if you ask the Republicans in the crowd, you'll find they are just upset at their party as they are at the Democrats."Jeremy Bird, deputy director of Organizing for America, the successor group to Obama for America, said the anger over health care reform seen in town halls is being fueled by cable news channels singling out rowdy activists.
"Supporters of reform are far outnumbering opponents," he said. "And unfortunately, some of the 24-hour cable news echo chamber has focused on the small minority of folks who have tried to disrupt it."
Bird's group is also holding a multistate tour aimed at dispelling health care reform rumors.
"We're having great stops ... overwhelming support from local elected officials from average citizens," he said.
Author Steven Clark Bradley has been to or lived in 34 countries, including Pakistan, Iraq and Turkey. He has a master’s degree in liberal studies from Indiana University. He speaks French and Turkish. He has been an assistant to a prosecutor, a university instructor and a freelance journalist. GET A FREE E-BOOK
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The Republic of Iran has linked up with radical American Militia groups to carry out a covert nuclear attack on America. Colonel Fisher Harrison, the best trained Special Ops killer the military has, is the one person who can effectively retaliate against these adversaries. But Colonel Fisher Harrison was framed for a murder he did not commit by his former boss--now the President of the United States of America. The two adversaries must put aside their differecnes and unite to stop those in league to bring America to its knees.
Unknown to Wallace Findings, a one-night stand results in twins. The mother is murdered soon after their birth to cover a hideous crime, which sends Findings on an eighteen year hunt for her murderer. One twin is adopted and welcomed into a wonderful life of plenty and privilege. The other is rejected and left an orphan, in a world without identity or care, facing brutal treatment and sexual abuse. This twin seeks out Findings and his sibling and all those who had abandoned him to carry out a plot of revenge. In the end, Findings discovers his role in a baby for sale scheme in which he and his unknown children were victims.
Greg Bradford is an escaped mental patient, a man who wants revenge, a man prepared to do anything to get his life back and has a plan to do it. Corbett Mandeville, a homicide detective known for solving some of the worst murders in the state, has to stop him. But,Corbett Mandeville has secrets of his own that created an affinity between him and the vindictive mental patient that drives both to stalk their prey and take justice into their own hands.
Steven worked a number of years in various countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa. He has been to 34 countries and has worked extensively with Kurdish refugees from Turkey, Iraq, and Syria. Steven also established a school by correspondence for African students in the African countries of The Gambia and SenegalWest Africa. He is the founder of a Cultural Center for refugees in France, where he lived for six years. Speaking fluently in French and in Turkish, Steven has been in 34 countries. Before returning to the United States in 1995, Steven worked as an instructor of English and Business skills for four years at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey.