Sunday, September 28, 2008

So, How Will You Feel Tomorrow...?

I love to speak my mind, but with the temper of someone who realizes that I need to be open to other people’s opinions. My writing reflects this boldness and desire to record, in fictional terms, the issues and dangers that we as a people in our current society now face. Boldness speaks in terms that get readers’ attention. I strive to accomplish the goal of causing readers to consider what they believe and to open their minds to consider the peril of our ways so that we can take stock of the current direction of our lives.

I do not consider myself Prophetic. I do not feel some pie in the sky religious fanaticism and nor do I claim to see visions or hear voices that told me what the past means for the future. In fact, in Nimrod Rising, I am talking about logically determining where certain changes will ultimately take us as a people and whether our ultimate place as a nation will be better and more secure or increasingly dangerous and hopeless. I think the most important thing for a writer of such genres as I write such as Nimrod Rising is to be open-minded. I need to try to get beyond the physical world we see every day and try to accept that there is more out there than just us. I don't want people to consider Nimrod Rising as just another scary story. It is far more than that. Nimrod Rising is a book about the history of life and the origin of evil. As I write, I pose the questions such as: Who are we? Where did we come from? What was here before us? Where are we going? Are there answers to the question why the world faces such peril today? Nimrod Rising offers “possible” answers to those questions. I want to awaken the imagination and the cause self perception as readers taken in my stories.

Now, continue to read Nimrod Rising Tick Tock Part Two and see how the past events that have either shaken the nation or how they have lulled us to sleep. It is important to take stock and draw a line in the sands of time as I paint a very plausible future scenario of where current political events and policies could ultimately take the nation we love in the future. I know you’ll find it as real as it gets!

Nimrod Rising – Tick Tock Part Two

Thomas Jefferson had penned the words himself, actually quoting from John Locke’s words, that humanity had certain inalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, though John Locke had stated differently in reality by declaring that a people had the rights of life and liberty, the pursuit of property. Locke had desired to instill in the minds of people that they had the right to ownership, posterity and physical possessions that would one day give proof to their having been on the Earth. In changing Locke’s words, Jefferson had set America’s eyes toward some inexplicable, unreachable, intangible goal of pleasing one’s self at all costs, even at the price of selling out one’s own freedom, one’s own country! Such attitudes and inabilities to act to save the land had left the people bewildered and always in the throws of change. The locust had come in as a storm that could not be measured in severity, and which by no means could ever be stopped. The American Babylon would fall to the ground before an eye could be aroused or before a sound could be interpreted. With that unholy day when the smoke rose up like the face of Lucia and consumed those who fled from its face, when missiles of concrete slammed into the bodies, hearts and minds of those who endured its rage, the Swarm had ushered in the end of the laissez-faire society; and the entire world wept.

The changes in society brought about by the Swarm were at first subtle. Then, as the doors into the misty, creeping social abyss had finally swung wide open, very distinct tactics were revealed that did, in fact, undermine the very social fabric of a once noble and moral society. Laws were passed that would sentence anyone to death who willfully, through some violent act, caused the death of an unborn fetus even if the mother was not killed. Yet, American justice and American society had collaborated in the murder of tens of millions of unborn babies in the form of thousands of abortion clinics across the land. This inconsistent ideal and the scourge of sexual diseases had also planted their venomous roots. Not to be worried, safe sex could still be had, or so it was proclaimed, and children were challenged to make their own decisions about when to have and how to have “safe sex” and how to safely take drugs no matter what their parents had to say about it, never mind the moral issues or the consequences to ones health and to decide their own perceived genders! Students were taught to turn in their parents if they felt they were being abused in some way. These things were not wrong anymore simply because society had decided it so. Nobody had stopped to ask what Elyon had felt! The nation seemed worn-out, wearing visages of the excessively burdened, overly paranoid and completely severed as a people and ravaged by rage. They seemed ready to sell their historic birthright for a mess of new-age porridge, ready to give away their liberty for the gods of peace, prosperity, promiscuity and security! This highly-technologically advanced society seemed to have taken on a life of its own, transforming its citizens into its slaves of selfishness, imprisoned by their own need of self-gratification. The American people now serviced the system rather than the other way around.

Was it all an accident? Was this simply the natural evolution of a free and forward-looking people or was this all a scheme; a well tooled and orchestrated game of Sodom killing Gomorrah? Issues such as surveillance, environment, social upheavals, genetic mutations, Same-sex marriage, Cyber-space technology, scandal ridden political leaders and new age religions seemed to rob the land of any vestige of the country that had once existed. Those who truly decried the lengths to which the government had to go to protect the people were few and far between. Everyone just wanted a safe and sterile place in which to play their evil and destructive games. Since the Swarm had overrun the world, new laws curtailing freedom of movement, speech and assembly had been passed by the United State’s Congress and signed by the President with no other alternative available. The public had generally accepted these measures. It was not so much that the people were oblivious to their reduced rights. It was also not exactly that they agreed with the provisions, which ran roughshod over the constitution. The key to the lack of civil unrest was that there was no other way to achieve even a semblance security without the Patriot Act and its offspring in the ensuing years. These laws were deemed as logical steps to save the nation. What everyone failed to ask was the obvious fact that if such measures were required to save the American nation then, the nation was logically and undoubtedly gone already. The world seemed to have shrunk. New sets of priorities, norms and values appeared in the newspapers, magazines and on the television screens.

The government seemed to be in collusion with forces that were, though unseen and intangible, very real as to their impact on the daily lives of the people. The primary goal had become the changing of the basic values, principles and precepts that had governed the lives of the United States since its inception of liberty as a nation. The nation had so rid itself of the burdens of righteous adherence to a righteous God that when a righteous president had come to power he was ridiculed, maligned, hated and found it impossible to pull the nation back from the brink. The need of keeping track of more than five billion people throughout the world had also become a major priority. From vacuum-tube computers as large as city blocks and containing as little as 64K memory, recent vast advances in computer technology such as chips as small as a fingernail containing massive amounts of gigabytes of ram now made the Star Wars phenomenon obsolete and ancient in comparison. Technological development had now made it possible to track the world’s population within ten feet of its location. The Swarm of evil urchins and their maze of infiltration caused all of these measures to become needed and unquestionably accepted by the masses though it still seemed impossible to track down the Swarm. Population control had always remained a sacrosanct secret in the public eye. Nevertheless, the programs, steps and various avenues of raising the acceptability of the experimental, inserted chip had been often discussed and proposed during annual, biannual and quarterly conferences and meetings of such groups as the Bildeburgers, World Bank, The Trilateral Commission and meetings of several Environmental groups and the Swarm’s circle. Several ways of achieving the goals of these social engineers were discussed in these secret meetings.


Nimrod Rising - A Remnant Remains
From ancient times until today, through every travail and adversity that has afflicted mankind, when all has seemed lost and that there was no one left to hold to the truth, there has always been those that still held fast to the truth of mankind's special dignity and purpose, a remnant to cleave to the truth. Nimrod Rising demonstrates what can happen when the dignity of man is removed and what will take place when men forget that we are not mere accidents of nature. Watch "A Remnant Remains" and feel the that reality that is closer than you think to the truth. Will you be part of that Remnant?
Click To Watch All Nimrod Rising Trailers


From credit cards to debit cards, to smart cards, it would soon become a reality that every American would eventually carry on his or her person, an electronic, description of physical features, family history, address, occupation, criminal record and income tax information, credit history and every possible element of one’s life that the government deemed necessary. The inserted chip would go one step further by going beyond the smart card in the wallet or purse that could be lost or stolen to a personalized chip worn at all times under the skin. There had been far too many victims of the Swarm. The government had a need to know all. Thanks to Hamid Assad, the young and intelligent successor to Osama Bin Laden, these evil locusts had infiltrated every facet of Western society and could be found in every nation. From the great political and financial cities of the world, such as Brussels, Luxembourg, London, Paris and New York, the agenda of the New World Order was rushed up because the attacks of Beelzebub had rocked the very lifelines of the free world. At home, the American government had given the Federal Emergency Management Agency 12.1 billion dollars for the purpose of setting up Mobil Operational facilities, developing a super sacrosanct secret police force and restoring and revamping military bases such as Tonapon, Nevada, and Barstow, the purpose of which was to form boot camps for the violent eradication of these insects who had changed America forever. These facilities eventually made Guantanamo pale in comparison. All of these events, people, groups and crises formed the skeleton of a diabolical system simply waiting to be covered with flesh and to have its nostrils filled with the breath of the devilish life of many languages, cultures and peoples moving ever so closely together.

Promises of peace and assurances of prosperity, it had all melted down creating an avalanche of deception and detestable outcries for change and a return to a past, gone though not forgotten. It would only prove attainable in some imaginary, mental Disneyland! Promises! Promises!

Here are a few other sites where you can read more of Steven Clark Bradley's material:

Nimrod Rising - Maybe the most important book you'll ever read!

Nimrod Rising - As Real As It Gets!

Friday, September 19, 2008

So, How Do You Feel, Just Now?


So, how do you feel, just now? I wonder, have you stopped worrying about what just happened to the greatest economy of the world, indeed, the greatest economy of the history of the world, for that matter. Have you not taken your eyes off the heartbeat of the nation that is in need of a bypass? If not, then come with me and ponder on precisely where this “Bailout”, as it is termed, is going. Where will it all take us? Could it be a set of predetermined action that are simply the latest and most far reaching actions, as once again, civilization is led like bleating, dumb sheep to an eventual socialist enclave where government is entrenched in every hidden and visible way. Could it all just ultimately bind us to the Culture of Death, or has it already?

Let’s say it straight! This nation’s government almost fell this week, due to the greed, filthy lucre and the lust for more power than is prescribed. It will all have the most dreaded results for freedom. It will result in a society that decides who lives and who dies and in which everyone marched to the same dirge, dying for a country that is no longer mine! It is a painful transition, for those who still love the America that once was; to watch her run headlong into the abyss of the Culture of Death. Alas, it has all been foretold. It is all set in motion. This will lead to a world that no longer follows, but instead is plunged headlong into a future of despair. The Bush Administration has changed this nation from the most free into the most closely watched and most highly scrutinized society in the history of man! Whosoever gets elected always ends up serving the emerging Culture of Death in America in voluntary and not so voluntary ways. We are entering into infernal days.

Do we comprehend what we have just bequeathed to our posterity? Perhaps a better interrogatory sentence would be, Do we really care about a society which sold its birthright for a mess of poisoned gruel.

On 1995, I had just returned from Turkey, where I had resided for four productive years. I came back to live in an America that was at war with itself. Clinton was not the devil incarnate, but he represented the first major step out of the world of National Identity and national pride. It took us right into the New World Order, of which George H.W. Bush had only loosely spoken. Since those days,when the greatest national tragedy of that time was the President’s sex life, look how far we have traveled that road to collectivity, where everyone follows everyone else. It will shrink the globe and reduce our rights and bind us to the Culture of Death. The Christian era on Earth is witnessing a great falling away.

I could feel these forces at work as far back as 1995 when I started writing a book that is more real than one would care to admit. It was titled, Nimrod Rising. I have published extensive materials from the book that took me 12 years to write.

One of the parts of Nimrod Rising, that I have posted in many places, was the chapter titled, Tick Tock. In light of this week’s profound financial disaster and deal-breaking bailouts, I want to republish this chapter and let Nimrod Rising speak for itself.

Tick Tock is in a portion of Nimrod Rising that seeks to help the reader regain their focus of what the book describes as the end of the US political and financial system. I hope you will read it and see how real and pertinent it is to today’s events, though this portion was written in 1996.

Nimrod Rising – Tick-Tock

There is no way to overstate the fact that the political, moral and financial ground is shifting radically under our feet. Though many seem to pursue this change as something that will bring about peace and prosperity, the reality is that the transformation of America from a nation founded on Judeo-Christian ethics to a land grounded on pagan principles will do nothing other than to hasten the arrival of an evil so ripe with death and destruction that the land that most of us have loved and cherished will cease to exist in any recognizable form.

In the Nimrod Rising excerpt, "Tick Tock" you can look at the many and various forces that are even now bringing America to her knees. Pipe dreams of peace, short-sighted politician and leaders who are willfully weakening the nation's resolve are taking America into dismal day from which there will be no deliverance nor escape.

As you read this powerful section of Nimrod Rising, consider the dangers that now face us and remember the adage that is as true as it has always been that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

The clock is ticking, the minutes are waning and Nimrod is Rising! It's as real as it gets!

Nimrod Rising - Tick Tock Part One

1995 to 2010

The great shift had actually begun in the sixth decade of the twentieth century. It was, at first, a small movement of young, peace protesters and draft-dodgers. It was not until the nineties when one of their lot, who had actually marched down the streets of Moscow in protest of America, had risen by sheer cunning and innuendo to the top to become president and the leader of the free world. It had become a redundant title. For when the people’s hearts and minds no longer felt secure, there was no real freedom, and when the people no longer trusted their leaders to do what was right and to be what they could support, there seemed to be no one left to rule over.

It had all been proclaimed, declared, preached, protested, denied and detested for years! The common public had believed that the demise of the Soviet Empire would herald in a new era of peace and prosperity. It had even been given a name straight from the lexicons of political newspeak as “The Peace Dividend.” The ageless, and seemingly relentless, necessity of the huge military, industrial machine would diminish, or so the public was told. In addition, the peace-loving, doomsday-clock-fearing people were promised vast reductions in the federal budget which would, as the sewers of lies proclaimed, in a relatively short space of time, cut back the burden on tax-payers who had, after all, maintained the posture towards war at any given moment for over fifty years. The whole world was taking in fresh gasps of this new air of peace that had suddenly broken out everywhere. Then, hardly a decade later, two massive towers and three thousand American lives fell with a great destruction and death which the whole world mourned! It was then that the gates of Tenebre were swung open wide and the evil hoards of demons infested the soldiers of the Swarm! It had become a war that would have no end, for the day of Elyon was at hand.

The one hundred-day conflict in the Persian Gulf had hardly earned nor merited the title of a war, but its military impact seemed by no means minuscule, to say the least. The impact it had on the way the world communicated and the way in which would kill each other in future conflicts, even wars was so great that it could not yet be measured, at least not until the Swarm had festered. At least not until the slumbering masses in the land of the fat-cat free had been shaken awake by the alarm clock of blood and death on her streets by a new enemy that had no name, no look, no address, no conscience and no borders. It had been during the Persian Gulf conflict that the term “New World Order” first began to be heralded on the televisions and radios around the world on a daily basis. It soon became clear that some inconspicuous, intangible milieu of bearded and turbaned masters had raised the stakes in the game of peace making vs. waging war and were prepared to kill the child, never spare the mothers and to absolutely hunt down the fathers. The price to pay seemed now, for a peaceful non-explosive world, to dwarf the fears in American society concerning the federal deficit. No cost was too high! The cost accrued in the devastation of the Soviet Evil Empire seemed now to be minuscule in comparison with the new Swarm of evil minions that had stricken the land as a far more precarious adversary; one that seemed to have invaded from a known region of the world but was empowered by a force that was far outside of the tangible existence that could not be felt nor seen by humankind, because it was not human at all. This all was consuming the land internally during a time when the principles of right and wrong were being twisted and discarded for ideas that represented the constitution of the Evil One. It had engendered a design that systematically erased the needs of the few and maximized, in economic terms, the utility of the many. This new order had eroded the broken out everywhere. Then, hardly a decade later, two massive towers and three thousand American lives fell with a great destruction and death which the whole world mourned! It was then that the gates of Tenebre were swung open wide and the evil hoards of demons infested the soldiers of the Swarm! It had become a war that would have no end, for the day of Elyon was at hand.


Nimrod Rising - In Depth
Nimrod Rising is a vast story of International significance, my setting is really two/fold. Steven Clark Bradley spent a large portion of his life in the cradle of civilization. This book should be read because it will speak to us about where we are going and what will be our consequences to bad actions in the future. It is a real treatise on America.
Click To Watch All Nimrod Rising Trailers


The one hundred-day conflict in the Persian Gulf had hardly earned nor merited the title of a war, but its military impact seemed by no means minuscule, to say the least. The impact it had on the way the world communicated and the way in which would kill each other in future conflicts, even wars was so great that it could not yet be measured, at least not until the Swarm had festered. At least not until the slumbering masses in the land of the fat-cat free had been shaken awake by the alarm clock of blood and death on her streets by a new enemy that had no name, no look, no address, no conscience and no borders. It had been during the Persian Gulf conflict that the term “New World Order” first began to be heralded on the televisions and radios around the world on a daily basis. It soon became clear that some inconspicuous, intangible milieu of bearded and turbaned masters had raised the stakes in the game of peace making vs. waging war and were prepared to kill the child, never spare the mothers and to absolutely hunt down the fathers. The price to pay seemed now, for a peaceful non-explosive world, to dwarf the fears in American society concerning the federal deficit. No cost was too high!

The cost accrued in the devastation of the Soviet Evil Empire seemed now to be minuscule in comparison with the new Swarm of evil minions that had stricken the land as a far more precarious adversary; one that seemed to have invaded from a known region of the world but was empowered by a force that was far outside of the tangible existence that could not be felt nor seen by humankind, because it was not human at all. This all was consuming the land internally during a time when the principles of right and wrong were being twisted and discarded for ideas that represented the constitution of the Evil One. It had engendered a design that systematically erased the needs of the few and maximized, in economic terms, the utility of the many. This new order had eroded the concept that a country had sovereignty over its own destiny, concerns or people. The New World Order had instead cemented the idea in the minds of nations worldwide that no country could any longer concern itself primarily with its own needs and problems. It had become clear that no state could only concentrate on the policing of its own people.

There was a new conception, an abstraction: the people of the world would have to be taught to think globally and pass the “global test!” There was no longer an American community, a French community or any other community! There was just one big universal village that would protect each other from rogue states, should they seek to deviate from the prescribed path of peace, harmony and prosperity.

What was to be done to stop the Swarm from overtaking the fruited concrete plains of the New World Order by the armies of the Prince of Persia? It was precisely this order that had tamed nations into preserving the promise of global markets and confusing rights and wrongs. Yet, the degradation of national identities had forced the reticent and those who refused to play global ball to break out of the fray.

These self-perceived doers of good by evil means established worldwide organizational networks throughout the expanding underworld of fanatical Wahabi Allah worship and eventually united with those who simply loved to kill, maim and torture because they cherished mayhem. They grew to such an extent until nations could no longer defend or protect themselves from their terror, which they sought to impose on all perceived enemies. How could one declare war on the invisible nation of Nimrod? America had expanded its horizons from sea to shining sea. Blood, sweat and tears had forged it. There had always been that pioneering spirit that had first thrust people from all walks of life to set sail for the New World, and to survive there once they had planted their feet on the new soil. Yet, America had become a land striving for pleasure at any cost.

Here are a few other sites where you can read more of Steven Clark Bradley's material:

Steven Clark Bradley's Stories That Read You!
Steven Clark Bradley's Underground Controversy
Steven Clark bradley
Steven Clark Bradley - Published
Steven Clark Bradley at Blog Talk
Steven Clark bradley at
Steven Clark Bradley at Inspired
Steven Clark Bradley - Nimrod Rising
Author Steven Clark Bradley

All of Steven Clark Bradley's novels are widely available all over the net. Here are a few links to help you read these exciting stories now.

Nimrod Rising - Maybe the most important book you'll ever read!

Nimrod Rising - As Real As It Gets!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

America's Radical Militia Movement - A Patriot Acts Expose

In Patriot Acts, America finds itself under covert nuclear attack from the Islamic Republic of Iran which has linked up with radical American Militia groups. They have set aside their political and religious differences to carry out the widest attack to America in the nation’s history.

I recently spoke with someone who thought the idea of radical Americans working together with Islamic terrorists was farfetched. I reminded him that the deadly attack in 1995 in Oklahoma City is a vivid reminder that an attack of deadly proportions is easier to accomplish by American radicals, who hate American freedom, than it would be for foreign terrorists.

The title, Patriot Acts is important in my novel as the book portrays three groups that all think they are following the correct patriotic way. Iranian terrorists are ready to infiltrate America and to end what they believe to be the Great Satan. They believe their evil acts are the Acts of Allah and that they are patriotic followers of their diabolical faith. Len Garret, the leader of the largest Militia group in America is motivated by raging revenge because of the death of his parents and little sister when he was only 14 years old. Then there is President Tate, a newly inaugurated President of the United States who literally hits the ground running with the most wide-ranging attack on America only months after he takes office. All of these groups believe themselves to be doing the right thing and it is for the reader to find the right course of action.

So, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at the Militia movement in America today. Below, you will find an article from the Anti-Defamation League that lays out an excellent expose of just what the Militia movement is and what its goals are. I hope it will motivate you to take a good look at such an important story like Patriot Acts. Because Freedom is not free! - Author Steven Clark Bradley

America’s Radical Militia Movement

© 2005 Anti-Defamation League

The militia movement is the youngest of the major right-wing anti-government movements in the United States, followed by the Sovereign Citizen Movement and the Tax Protest Movement are the two others. yet it has seared itself into the American consciousness as virtually no other fringe movement has. The publicity given to militia groups in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, when the militia movement was erroneously linked to that tragedy, made them a household name. Indeed, reporters, pundits and politicians alike have used the term so frequently that it is often tossed about carelessly as a synonym for virtually any right-wing extremist group.

Yet, the militia movement is neither generic nor dismissible as a comic subject. Even if militia groups were not, in fact, involved with the Oklahoma City bombing, they have nevertheless embroiled themselves since 1994 in a variety of other bombing plots, conspiracies and serious violations of law. Their extreme anti-government ideology, along with their elaborate conspiracy theories and fascination with weaponry and paramilitary organization, lead many members of militia groups to act out in ways that justify the concerns expressed about them by public officials, law enforcement and the general public.

  • Origins: Mid-to-late 1993
  • Prominent leaders: John Trochmann (Montana), Ron Gaydosh (Michigan), Randy Miller (Texas),
  • Charlie Puckett (Kentucky), Mark Koernke (Michigan), Carl Worden (Oregon), Gib Ingwer (Ohio)
  • Prominent groups: Kentucky State Militia, Ohio Unorganized Militia Assistance and Advisory Committee, Southeastern Ohio Defense Force, Michigan Militia (two factions using the same name), Southern Indiana Regional Militia, Southern California High Desert Militia-and many others.
  • Outreach: Gun shows, shortwave radio, newsletters, the Internet
  • Ideology: Anti-government and conspiracy-oriented in nature; prominent focus on firearms
  • Prominent militia arrests: Multiple members of the following groups have been arrested and convicted, usually on weapons, explosives, or conspiracy charges: Oklahoma Constitutional Militia, Georgia Republic Militia, Arizona Viper Militia, Washington State Militia, West Virginia Mountaineer Militia, Twin Cities Free Militia, North American Militia, San Joaquin County Militia.

Where Do They Come From & What Do They Believe?

In a sense, the militia movement is both old and new. On the one hand, militia groups are the latest in a series of periodic actions that the extreme right has had with paramilitary organizations. On the other hand, however, the militia movement formed under a unique set of circumstances that gave the movement a character, orientation and purpose distinct from its predecessors.

The extreme right in the United States has long had a fascination with paramilitary groups. Before World War II, right-wing and fascist groups such as the Silver Shirt Legion and the Christian Front marched across America. Later, the Cold War ushered in a new wave of paramilitary organizations like the California Rangers and the Minutemen. In the 1980s, survivalists and white supremacists formed a variety of paramilitary groups ranging from the Christian Patriot-Defense League to the Texas Emergency Reserve to the White Patriot Party.

The militia movement is heir to the right-wing paramilitary tradition, but it is heir, too, to another tradition, the anti-government ideology of groups like the Posse Comitatus. The Posse developed an elaborate conspiratorial view of American history and government, one that claimed the legitimate government had been subverted by conspirators and replaced with an illegitimate, tyrannical government. Posse members believed that the people had the power and responsibility to "take back" the government, through force of arms if necessary. As a result, many Posse figures engaged in paramilitary training. Most notable among these was William Potter Gale, a Christian Identity minister who was one of the founders of the Posse. In the 1980s, he appointed himself "chief of staff" to the "Unorganized Militia" of a group known as the Committee of the States. Gale's appropriation of the term "unorganized militia" is significant; it is a statutory term in federal and state law that refers to the nominal manpower pool created a century ago when federal law formally abandoned compulsory militia service. In using the term, Gale implied that his organization was not only legal but that it was, in fact, a constitutional arm of the government. This argument would be amplified by later militia proponents (Gale himself died in the late 1980s) who claimed that militia groups were: (a) equivalent to the statutory militia; (b) not, however, controlled by the government; and (c) in fact, designed to oppose the government should it become tyrannical.

What turned the concept into reality in the early 1990s was a series of catalysts that angered people on the extreme right sufficiently to start a new movement. Although some militia movement pioneers had been active in other anti-government or hate groups earlier, most militia leaders were in fact new leaders, people who only recently had been so motivated that they were willing to take action. The events that angered them ranged from the election of Bill Clinton to the Rodney King riots to the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement. More than any other issue, though, the deadly standoffs at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, in 1992 and Waco, Texas, in 1993 ignited widespread passion. To most Americans, these events were tragedies, but to the extreme right, they were examples of a government willing to stop at nothing to stamp out people who refused to conform. Right-wing folk singers like Carl Klang memorialized the children who died at Waco with songs like "Seventeen Little Children." These events provided new life to a number of extremist movements, from Christian Identity activists to sovereign citizens, but they also propelled the creation of an entirely new movement consisting of armed militia groups formed to prevent another Ruby Ridge or Waco.

The fact that both the Ruby Ridge and Waco incidents involved illegal firearms added considerable fuel to the fire that formed the militia movement. Many militia members and leaders were radical gun-rights advocates, people who believed that, in fact, there could be no such things as illegal firearms and whose anti-government ire was formed in large part because of fear and suspicion of imminent gun confiscation. In the early 1990s, several prototype militias had emerged in Connecticut and Florida on the basis that members of the "militia" were exempt from federal gun laws. In 1992, Larry Pratt, leader of a radical gun- rights group and an advocate of the formation of militias, issued a statement in the wake of the Rodney King riots urging the Los Angeles Police Department to "take advantage of what the Founding Fathers called the unorganized militia" in order to forestall further unrest. Many people initially joined the fledgling militia movement largely as a way to protect more aggressively their right to bear arms; even today, gun-related issues dominate many of the newsletters published by militia groups.

The final element forming the militia movement was a vast fascination with conspiracies. Conspiracies were easy to accept for people who believed that the federal government deliberately murdered people at Ruby Ridge and Waco and that door-to-door gun confiscation could begin any day. But the militia movement not only accepted the traditional conspiracy theories, it created a host of new ones; combined, they described a shadowy movement intent on creating a one-world socialist government no matter what the cost. This "New World Order," using the United Nations as its primary tool, had already taken over most of the planet. The United States was still a bastion of freedom, but its own government was collaborating with New World Order forces to strip Americans slowly of their freedoms in preparation for the final takeover. The government was erecting large numbers of concentration camps in which to place American dissenters; meanwhile, the number of United Nations troops secretly encamped in national parks grew by the month. Stickers on the backs of street signs would guide the New World Order to strategic points, while the authorities enlisted urban street gangs to help enforce gun confiscation. "The Federal government and the press is [sic] fighting a war against independent thinking Christian patriots," wrote Christian Identity adherent and militia supporter George Eaton in 1993. "The reason they have targeted patriots is simple; they will not conform or submit to the New World Order."


The militia movement is a relatively new right-wing extremist movement consisting of armed paramilitary groups, both formal and informal, with an anti-government, conspiracy-oriented ideology. Militia groups began to form not long after the deadly standoff at Waco, Texas, in 1993; by the spring of 1995, they had spread to almost every state. Many members of militia groups have been arrested since then, usually on weapons, explosives and conspiracy charges. Although the militia movement has declined in strength from its peak in early 1996, it remains an active movement, especially in the Midwest, and continues to cause a number of problems for law enforcement and the communities in which militia groups are active.


The combination of anger at the government, fear of gun confiscation and susceptibility to elaborate conspiracy theories is what formed the core of the militia movement's ideology. Although there were white supremacists in the movement, and although groups and individuals within the movement often made common cause with or at least tolerated hate groups, the orientation of the militia movement remained primarily anti-government and conspiratorial. The militia movement appealed to many radical libertarians just as it appealed to traditional proponents of extreme right-wing causes. There was room even for African American militia leaders like J. J. Johnson of Ohio and Leroy Crenshaw of Massachusetts, whose shared anti-government views allowed them to break bread with racist and anti-Semitic adherents of Christian Identity.

History and Activities: Private Armies, Public Wars

Not surprisingly, some of the earliest leaders of the militia movement had personal associations with the standoffs at Ruby Ridge and Waco. Linda Thompson, an Indianapolis lawyer who decided unilaterally to represent the Branch Davidians during their standoff, went on to appoint herself "acting adjutant general" of the Unorganized Militia of the United States in 1993. Until her call for an armed march on Washington, D.C., fizzled in 1994, she was quite influential, particularly through the videotapes she produced alleging government complicity at Waco. More lasting in influence was a friend of Randy Weaver, John Trochmann, who with his brother and nephew formed the Militia of Montana in January 1994.

Thompson and Trochmann, along with other militia pioneers and supporters, helped other groups to form. Active militia groups arose in Ohio, Idaho, California, Florida and many other states. None grew so fast as those in Michigan, loosely formed into an umbrella group known as the "Michigan Militia," headed by a pastor and gun shop owner, Norm Olson. Militia activists recruited at gun shows, held public meetings in libraries and schools, and broadcast on shortwave radio, where talk-show hosts such as Michigan militia leader Mark Koernke were particularly popular.

The militia movement grew rapidly throughout 1994, drawing little attention until that fall, when civil rights groups such as the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center released reports and articles on the new movement. By the following spring, the militia movement had finally begun to receive scrutiny by law enforcement, the media and the public. Then the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995, created an entirely new environment. Several suspected links between the bombing and militia groups in Michigan -- later proved to be unfounded -- unleashed a storm of publicity about the militia movement around the country. The militia for the first time faced the harsh glare of the spotlight. Overall, it did not fare particularly well. Some groups disbanded in the wake of the bombing, while other groups splintered. Norm Olson was kicked out by his own followers after he told reporters that the Japanese government had been involved in the Oklahoma City bombing.

However, the overall result of the bombing and its attendant publicity was actually a rise in the militia movement, because the media attention informed many potential supporters that such a movement actually existed. As a result, the militia movement grew in numbers and activity all through 1995 and into 1996. The militia even managed to "strike back" at times, as when, in the summer of 1995, several militia leaders drew publicity to the Good Ol' Boys Roundup, a yearly festivity in Tennessee for federal and local law enforcement officers at which various racist and off-color activities had taken place. Two federal agencies were forced to launch investigations of the event as a result, while militia leaders claimed that the media had been wrong all along -- it wasn't the militia movement that was racist but, rather, the federal government. (The investigations ended up revealing that the racist activity was committed by local Tennessee law enforcement officers.)

By early 1996, virtually every state had at least one group, and most states had several. The movement had attracted the attention not only of the media but also of law enforcement, however, which had begun to discover signs of significant criminal activity. As early as 1994, members of the Blue Ridge Hunt Club, a nascent Virginia militia group, had been arrested on a variety of weapons charges. The following year an Oklahoma Christian Identity minister and militia leader, Ray Lampley, was arrested along with several followers for conspiring to blow up targets ranging from government buildings to the offices of civil rights organizations. But in 1996, a series of investigations resulted in a number of major militia-related arrests, generally on illegal weapons, explosives and conspiracy charges. In April 1996, several members of the Georgia Republic Militia were arrested, followed in July by a dozen members of the Arizona Viper Militia. Later that same month, members of the Washington State Militia found themselves in custody, while in October members of the West Virginia Mountaineer Militia were arrested on weapons charges and in connection with plans to blow up an F.B.I. fingerprinting facility. These arrests, not surprisingly, had a depressing effect on the movement.

Other events in 1996 and 1997 also served to weaken the movement. The most ambitious attempt to network militia groups together, the Tri-States Militia, collapsed in 1996 when it was revealed that its leader had been accepting money from the F.B.I. In March 1996, the F.B.I. surrounded the Montana Freemen, a sovereign citizen group, in remote eastern Montana, then arrested them following an 81-day standoff. Although a few militia members traveled to Montana to support (or aid) the Freemen, by and large the movement failed to respond, a fact that embittered some of the more radical members. (This scenario would be repeated the following spring when the militia failed to come to the rescue of the besieged Republic of Texas near Fort Davis, Texas.) Lack of response on the part of the militia movement caused a number of radical members to splinter away at the same time that some of the less hard-core members were leaving because of the increased arrests. By the fall of 1996, the movement had clearly faltered, and several prominent early leaders dropped out, including Idaho militia leader Samuel Sherwood; he disbanded his group in September, complaining that "the whole movement is being distorted on one side by the press and the media and taken over by the nuts and the crazies on the other."

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Introducing Patriot Acts by Steven Clark Bradley

Patriot Acts.
Trust and Betrayal,
Pride and Honor, Forgiveness and Revenge...

Today, America faces enemies that make the world of the Cold War seem like much brighter times. Islamic forces have declared Jihad on America causing the greatest threat to the life of the United States since World War II. Does the West love its freedom? Is America willing to take the measures that without which will render the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq useless?

Patriot Acts is a depiction of the probable results of inaction and the lack of resolve concerning Iran’s lust for weapons of mass destruction. As you read it, I hope you will compare it to the times in which we live. I predict we will take out this rogue regime and the world and America will be far better for it. For the absence of war does not equal peace. Refusal of war will most certainly spell defeat.

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In Patriot Acts, America finds itself under covert nuclear attack from the Islamic Republic of Iran which has linked up with radical American Militia groups. They have set aside their political and religious differences to carry out the widest attack to America in the nation’s history.

Watch Patriot Acts Video Trailer - The Enemy of My Enemy Is Not My Friend

Colonel Fisher Harrison, the best trained Special Ops killer the military has, is the only one person who can effectively retaliate against their aggression. The only problem is that Colonel Fisher is in a federal prison, framed for a murder he did not commit by his former boss who is now the President of the United States of America.

Watch Patriot Acts Video Trailer - Special Handling

Len Garret is another of the well defined and emotional characters of Patriot Acts. He is introduced with his feet up on his coffee table and thinking about all he had lived through that had brought him to his point of departure, which was at hand. He had some visitors who’d be arriving shortly. For the moment though, Garret held a bottle of Tequila in his hand and stared straight up at the portrait of his father that was hung prominently over the Fireplace. Garret had commissioned the painting himself, as a tribute the man who had both beaten him on a regular basis and who had instilled in him a stiff determination to never give into the internationalists, globalists, traitors, fags or any other lowlife epitaph that he could recall hearing his father use for those who ran the country and contrary to his set of rights and wrongs.

Though Len Garret’s father was a feared and respected memory, that painting over the fireplace served more as a constant reminder that he had unfinished business to conduct than as an act of true feeling for the old man about whom even Len Garret, himself had wondered, not a few times, if his father Russell Garret had gone mad.

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Take an amazing journey from Alaska to the Midwest and to the center of the Islamic Republic of Iran as two enemies unite to save the nation from two adversaries in league to bring the country to its knees. You will be amazed how close to home and to reality Patriot Acts could be! You can click the link below to get a copy of this exciting new ebook.

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Steven Clark Bradley's Patriot Acts
Steven Clark Bradley's Stories That Read You!
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Steven Clark Bradley at Inspired
Steven Clark Bradley - Nimrod Rising
Author Steven Clark Bradley

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Patriot Acts Reviewed

Book Review - Patriot Acts takes reality to a new level!

I have read all of Author Steven Clark Bradley's novels. They are all solidly riveting and Patriot Acts does not disappoint! Imagine the world that has allowed Iran to build the bomb and to plan to use it in America by way of an American surrogate. Today there are literally thousands of radical militia groups, on the left and the right, whose greatest desire is to take down the United States of America. Patriot Acts is a work that will keep you on the edge of your seat. You will feel the intensity of living through a very real and plausible National Crisis with the President of the United States. You will also get into the mind of the terrorist and understand their motivation that drives them to commit mass murder. Patriot Acts will not disappoint you either. I hope every America reads this novel. It will make you appreciate the efforts we are making to secure the nation and Patriot Acts may make you wonder why we are not doing more. Once again, Steven Clark Bradley has shown his prowess in spinning a story that that will keep you thinking long after you've read the last page. Jean Michael Presque

Take an amazing journey from Alaska to the Midwest and to the center of the Islamic Republic of Iran as two enemies unite to save the nation from two adversaries in league to bring the country to its knees. You will be amazed how close to home and to reality Patriot Acts could be! You can click the link below to get a copy of this exciting new ebook.

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Here are a few other sites where you can read more of Steven Clark Bradley's material:

Steven Clark Bradley's Stories That Read You!
Steven Clark Bradley's Underground Controversy
Steven Clark bradley
Steven Clark Bradley - Published
Steven Clark Bradley at Blog Talk
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Steven Clark Bradley at Inspired
Steven Clark Bradley - Nimrod Rising
Author Steven Clark Bradley

Friday, September 5, 2008

Iran - The Roor of Terror

There are some stark days ahead for the United States of America in its efforts to stop the Islamic Republic of Iran from developing nuclear weapons. There is an intrinsic need to deal with Iran, which is in the process of building nuclear reactors and enriching uranium that it says would be used for its energy needs. Now, we see that this nation has been thrust upon the world stage and is at the center of international debate regarding its nuclear ambitions. Therefore, it is only logical that we should take a look at whether this fanatical, Shiite state should be allowed to possess such technology. Does a land that is sitting on a sea of oil really have energy needs that could not be met by its massive reserve of crude? Would it be wise to trust the nation that launched the present wave of terror in 1979 and which continues to sweep through the world. Preparations for war are simply the only things to do if Iran is allowed to become a nuclear power. Can we continue to work closely with any nation, such as Russia, that would help Iran achieve this goal? These are questions that must be answered.

During the past years, The United States has made advances toward Iran, offering them some alternatives to building the bomb. There are many reasons stated why America would want to offer such carrots to Iran. One reason is that America has to show it's wimpiest "Allies" that the American people are ready to offer cooperation with them and to renew alliances that were strained, by the war in Iraq. We will offer olive branches to Iran with an effort to appease them while Russia presses ahead in its provision of nuclear fuel to Iran. It is my opinion that the United Nations, which is neither united nor a nation, undoubtedly has nothing to say about anything regarding any subject, but these are the moves that must be made towards war in a world in love with the fantasy of peace. In addition, America has to buy time to get Iraq somewhat stabilized so that we can have the troops available for round three in the war on terror.

Finally, there is a growing movement of revolutionary fervor building in Iran itself for real freedom. They are not crying out for "Western" style freedom. For, no nation on the face of the Earth has a copyright of the cravings of liberty in the heart of man. So, there is no room for a breather. There is no way to take a vacation. There is no alternative to taking these evil men from power so that we can keep the world safe for civilization! Let all these maneuvers come as they must, but rest assured, even now, inside the halls of the various offices of strategy in the United States, War plans are being played out for a strike against the Tehran Terrorist regime, as we speak. Any responsible defender of the nation could do no less. If such war plans are not, as of yet in motion, then we are all in big trouble, because there can be no victory in the war on terror without taking out the main sponsors of this diabolical war.

The government of Iran must be removed. Just look at what Iran has produced in the world since its founding as the first major terrorist government in the world in 1979. Fundamentally, Iran's ideological doctrine, its strategic goals and its political craving to control the Middle East have not changed since Khomeini's ascent to power in 1979. In short, Iran has employed terrorism as its weapon of choice since the beginning of the revolutionary Islamic regime. Terrorism is a State sponsored weapon of Iranian foreign policy. America will fight in a two-fronted war; one with an Islamic

Yael Shahar, ICT Researcher of the History of Iranian Sponsored Terrorism wrote that since the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, terrorism has served the regime of the ayatollahs as a tool of both domestic and foreign policy. This policy was directed against Iranian citizens inside Iran, as well as against those with opposition views in exile. Iran's sponsorship of terrorism has bridged ideological gaps and political divides; Teheran has provided arms and training to such groups as the Gama'a al-Islamiyah, the Egyptian al-Jihad, and the Algerian G.I.A. Al-Qaeda too, has benefited from Iranian support and expertise for more than a decade. More recently, this support has taken the form of free passage for al-Qaeda terrorists seeking to establish a foothold in Lebanon. There are also signs that al-Qaeda has sought the help of Iran in deepening it involvement in Palestinian terrorism against Israel.

The triumph of the Iranian revolution in February, 1979 kindled a burst of radical actions by Iran that only merit the infamous title State-sponsored terrorism. These include kidnappings, sanctioned and sponsored by the Iranian government itself, such as the taking of American hostages in the first years of the revolution, and reputed Iranian support for and suspected direct involvement in Hezbollah operations in Lebanon, including the bombings of U.S. installations and hostage-taking throughout the 1980s. There is no evidence that Iranian policy has changed, and Iran continues both to provide significant support to terrorist organizations and to assassinate dissidents abroad."

During the Iran-Iraq War, Iran pursued a strategy of maritime terror, using unmarked gunboats and floating mines to attack noncombatant shipping. Numerous assassinations of enemies abroad in the late 1980s and 1990s were widely and persuasively attributed to Iranian official sponsorship, and Iran was accused of sponsoring operations by other militant organizations, such as the Argentinean bombings of 1992 and 1994 and the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing, attributed to Hezbollah organizations in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. Iran is currently suspected of supporting terrorist acts against Israel through its support of radical Palestinian factions.

We may never have all the facts about many of the terrorist incidents for which Iran has been accused. Assuming, however, that the following discussion of Iran's record on terrorism and the main driving forces of that record are at least roughly accurate, certain conclusions can be drawn about Iranian policy on terrorism, the direction in which it is headed today, and possible U.S. responses.

Iran remains the ideological center of the America-hatred pervading the Islamic Middle East. That theocracy began warring with America when its rulers took 52 Americans hostage in 1979. Highlights of Iran's terrorism on Americans include the bombing and murder of 241 Marines in Beirut in 1983 and the killing of 19 US servicemen bombed at Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia in 1996. More recently, Iran is known to harbor Al Qaeda operatives who orchestrated the bombing of a Western residential compound in Saudi Arabia in 1993 that killed nine Americans. Iran sends Islamic agitators and militants into both US-controlled Iraq and Afghanistan, and sponsors such terrorist groups as Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Lebanon, Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

In January 2002, Israel confiscated 50 tons of weapons to the terrorist Palestinian Authority from a ship from Iran. A month before this, former Iranian "President" Hashemi Rafsanjani stated publicly that when the Islamic world has nuclear weapons "The strategy of the West will hit a dead end, since a single atomic bomb has the power to completely destroy Israel." Is not this one quotation from the actual president of Iran enough to do everything needed to stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear arsenal? In 1993 an Iranian opposition group discovered another secret nuclear facility in Natanz, undoubtedly part of Iran's advanced nuclear weapons program.

It is obvious that Iran is the root of Islamic terrorism. Only in destroying this country's theocracy could we finally declare a major victory in the war on terrorists. Meanwhile, the Iranian rebels fight to establish a government that that will be secular in nature but Islamic in principle. They desire free speech nationwide general strikes have been held in the country with the hope of bringing about the end for their ruling mullahs and ayatollahs. As long as the Iran of today continues, the war on Terror will never end. Furthermore, if this terrorist regime is allowed to possess a nuclear bomb there will be a very good chance the war on terror will be lost.

These are just a few facts that reveal that the next war has to be with Iran. Though the dangers now revolving around North Korea are explosive indeed, the most pressing area of concern on the globe is Iran. Fear is a lullaby that puts us fatally, fast to sleep. America may well be playing the song and dance, but there is every indication that war in the land of fanatical Shiites is looming on the horizon. It is OK to dance with a harmless bad dancer. Stepped-on toes can be mended but it is a fatal mistake to dance with someone who holds a knife to your back. Ambassador Thomas McNamara, U.S. Coordinator for Counter-terrorism has stated that, "Our problem is not with Islam," he said. "It is with those who use violence and terror to advance their political objectives." I would only add that radical Islam is all about terrorism as its weapon of control. There can be no compromising with those in Islam who have caused that religion to mutate into a cultish brood of blood-thirsty vermin. There is no alternative to removing them. There is no room for fear or fatigue. There will be no peace until all the terror-supporting nations have been routed and their governments destroyed.

America is wise to make sure that all its assets are in place. Yet, if America allows Iran to possess nuclear weapons, it will face the same writing on the wall that a biblical king of Persia, (Iran), once faced which spelled his demise. It read, "You have been measured with scales and been found wanting!" Does the west love its freedom? Is America willing to take the measures that without which will render the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq useless? I predict we will take out this rogue regime and the world and America will be far better for it. For the absence of war does not equal peace. Refusal of war will most definitely spell defeat!

The absence of war does not equal peace.

Steven Clark Bradley lived abroad for over 17 years and has been to 34 countries, including Pakistan, Iraq and Turkey. He has a master's degree in liberal studies from Indiana University. He speaks French and Turkish. He has been an assistant to a prosecutor, a university instructor and a freelance journalist in Ramallah, Palistine, Israel, Turkey, Iraq and Pakistan. Steven is the author of three novels, Nimrod Rising, Probable Cause and Stillborn!

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